『【ARS鑑定Grade10+】 オシリスの天空竜 クォーターセンチュリーシークレットレア 検索用 遊戯王 PSA10 BGS10 25thレア』はYahoo!オークション(旧ヤフオク!)でぴよっち007から出品され、154の入札を集めて2025-01-01 12:15:24に、15750.00円で落札されました。即決価格は15750.00円でした。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。東京都からの発送料は出品者(ぴよっち007)が負担しました。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、送料無料、新品、即買でした。
Also in addition to the ARS appraisal itself being valuable I submitted 7 of the same cards this time The result was reflected on 07/01 like the 7th image and the date and time of the appraisal is "06/30".In the future there will be cards with the same name and the same grade but this one is considered to be one of the fastest in terms of appraisal date. As ARS appraisal becomes more popular in the future there will be considerable added value.(These are speculations not certainties.)It comes in a sturdy case and has a luxurious feel.How about collection and interior?The certificate will be shipped with a hard case (see the 6th image).・NotesDue to the nature of the appraisal case there may be scratches or dust attached. Please note that it has not been taken out of the pack that came with it when it arrived.Also although the appraisal product is guaranteed to have a score please understand that it is not necessarily a perfect product.In order to prevent replacement we cannot accept returns.Please note that we may cancel the bid depending on the evaluation.About shipping methodIf Yu-Packet is selected it will be wrapped in bubble wrap and sent by Yu-Packet Post in a padded envelope.Card Name:Slifer the Sky DragonBrand:YU-GI-OH! Official Card GameExpansion:QUARTER CENTURY ANNIVERSARY SELECTIONRelease:2023Card ID:VP23-JP001Rarity:Quarter Century Secret Rareオシリスの天空竜 [25thSE] VP23-JP001 遊戯王OCG Vジャンプ 2023年7月号 応募者全員大サービス 「QUARTER CENTURY ANNIVERSARY SELECTION」ブランド:遊戯王オフィシャルカードゲーム デュエルモンスターズ...
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